Do You Want To Know How To Build Your Network Marketing Business Online Without Hosting Parties And Meeting Prospects For Coffee?
The exact system we used to build our entire business online allowing us to travel the world full time whilst working less than 2 hours per day
If you are reading this, you are probably here for at least one of the following reasons …
You’re tired of being taught the same old, dated marketing strategies that don’t work anymore and you want to learn how to become more influential as an authority figure online in 2018.
You want to grow a successful business but are unsure what to do and feel overwhelmed with information.
You aren’t getting the training or support you currently need… and you feel like you’re falling behind.
You’re a Network Marketer tired of hosting product parties and coffee dates and want to know how to leverage social media in a way that allows you to work from home
You want to grow your own personal brand but you are not sure how to do so or even how to convey this to your audience and you want to build genuine connections with people in a real, authentic way.
You struggle with networking on social media and are fearful of being ‘spammy’ and turning people off to you
Introducing … The Six Step Blueprint
One of the biggest challenges we see entrepreneurs and home based business owners face today?
Implementaton. The determination is there, the desire, even some of the knowledge, but, perhaps you don’t know what steps to follow first. You get overwhelmed with all of the different advice.
You don’t get support from your loved ones or friends. We get it. We faced the same challenges for years. To help us achieve more from life… More time, more money and more freedom.
We sourced out the best people in the world to mentor us in Copywriting, Social Media, Presenting, Building Influence, Attraction Markeing and How to Become an Authority Figure.
We spent tens of thousands of pounds investing in ourselves and our businesses. And now, we want to give back and share that with you.
Here’s How It Works …
The Six Step Blueprint is currently only available to members of our exclusive VIP community.
But today only we are giving you a very special opportunity to get access to this exclusive training programme for a vastly reduced one off price revealed below.
3 Exclusive Trainings For Network Marketers
Watch, Learn and Implement …
We don’t just provide the basics here. We dive deep in to every topic so you understand the exact steps, behavioural theory and psychology needed to grow your business online.
If You Are A Network Marketer Listen Up …
Building your business online is hard. In fact in can feel totally overwhelming and this is the exact reason why so many fail. They either take the easy option of ‘copy and pasting’ rather then learning the necessary skills you need to grow your own business, become a leader and grow in to becoming the person you need to become.
These 6 modules are available to you as soon as you press the order button. Each module contains each and every step you need to master that niche. All trainings have been created in a easy to digest webinar style for you to watch at your own convenience at a time which suits you.
Whether it is learning how to Recruit on social media, learning how to master Attraction Marketing, building rapport or learning the exact principles needed to have your prospects begging to work with you… Let us show you how.
3 Exclusive Trainings …
Included are our 66 page Six Step Bueprint manual, an exclusive Training Webinar revealing the real secrets of social media. Plus our 17 page Manual on how to create your very own system using our exclusive 52 point checklist to show you exactly how to build your Network Marketing business online.
These trainings have been combined to ensure you watch, learn and then implement this training in to your business.
Here’s What Is Included Inside The Six Step Training Module …
Step One – Finding your prospects
The key to being successful in network marketing is to find a ready supply of new people to share your opportunity with.
We’re going to go into the detail of how you can find new prospects, create engagement, be influential and learn social media strategies to really build your brand, showcase your values and attract your tribe.
Step Two – How to connect with your network
The deeper your connection is with your prospects and with your team, the longer they will stay in your business.
If you have a surface level connection you’ll have a surface level business, which means it can easily crumble. The blueprint talks you through how to find people who are really eager and keen to use network marketing as a solution for their success.
Step Three – How to ask ‘that’ question
How do you flip a conversation from personal chat to business chat? You’ve made a connection, built a relationship and lots of great rapport, so how do you decide when it’s the right time to ask that question?
How can you make sure that you’ve been listening to the other person? How can you make sure that it’s right for that person and it’s not just right for you?
Step Four – Creating curiosity and Connecting Emotionally
Whilst this business can be incredibly rewarding it is a huge rollercoaster of emotions.
The blueprint will show you how to create curiosity so your prospects can start to dream, they can start to think, “Yes, this is the thing that’s going to take me from struggle all the way through to success.”
Step Five – Presenting your opportunity
Getting into the detail. You have the emotional investment, your prospect is ready to join because they can see how this could solve whatever problem they need solving.
The manual will show you how to introduce your opportunity, and how to present it in such a way, they become raving fans, they’re ready to go, and how to train them so they can start fast.
Step Six – Getting them over the line
How to get people to jump in and say yes, rather than over complicating the last part, which is asking the question of, “Would you actually just like to join this business thing that I’m doing?”
This manual is going to fill in all the blanks. By following these 6 steps, you set yourself up to build your know, like and trust factor, and ultimately, getting more people to hear you out and join your business.
I am sure you will agree that all of the above is incredible value and will without any reasonable doubt allow you to gain the clarity, focus and accountabilty needed to ensure you make a success of your business.
Our VIP members have said on thousands of occassions how this programme has “Changed their lives”.
But, we want to ensure that we remove any doubt you have whether or not you should invest your hard earned cash in to our programme.
Here’s Why Our Members Love The Six Step Blueprint
Join the thousands of very happy Network Marketers implementing our proven systems.
For Less Than The Price Of One Bad Night Out… We Show You How To Market And Network Your Business Online Without The Stress Of Not Knowing What To Say
So How much Does It Cost To Buy The Six Step Blueprint?
Just £47. That’s right, for only £47 you can receive instant access to our 66 page blueprint, an exclusive training revealing the real secrets of social media and our 17 page Manual on how to create your very own system using our exclusive 59 point checklist to show you exactly how to build your Network Marketing Business online.
Why only £47? Because we wanted to provide a coaching solution which gave our clients access to world class coaching but at a price that wasn’t going to break the bank. It is important to use that we give everybody the opportunity to improve their lifes and achieve their dreams and goals.
If you need to justify spending £47 on the best training out their for Network Marketers and Home Based Business Owners, then this probably isn’t for you.
If you have to choose between putting food on the table and buying this, then this probably isn’t for you.
If you tend to blame others for your failures and you are not prepared to take ownership of your sh*t and do the hard, boring, un-sexy work which we will teach you and thats needed to grow a real online business, then this probably isn’t for you.
But, if you are ready here’s how you join today.
How To Buy The Six Step Blueprint Today
To buy, simply click one of the order buttons on this page. This will take you to a payment screen where you enter your regular details and complete your investment today. You will then be sent a message via Facebook Messenger giving you special access to the entire Six Step Blueprint module.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee: I know you’ll find value in this. In fact, if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, just contact The Free Life support team and we will issue you a full refund within 30 days of your purchase.