Attention Frustrated Network Marketer…

“Get Access To Everything You Will EVER Need To Build A Truly Successful Online Business…

Work With Danny Clarke To Become The Leader You’ve Always Dreamed Of Being In Just 90 Days.”

Fast-Track Your Network Marketing Business – Leadership Academy is an online learning and support program that will help you create the perfect business system and get you taking huge action with a 100% spam-free approach in the next 90 days.

Once you enrol you’ll be shown how to build your business using social media and be given weekly action steps to put you in to huge momentum and become the leader you have always wanted to be.


Hey Friend! I am so glad you are here…

If you are ready to TAKE 100% RESPONSIBILITY… and invest in yourself to learn the exact systems you need to grow your business in a way to achieve your life goals… PLUS get 24/7 accountability and support from a wealth of EXPERTS… then I encourage you to read every single word on this page as if every single one of you are your families dreams depend on it.

Because the truth is…

The success of your business does.

In the next few minutes, I want to show you the real reason why you are stuck. You see the majority of stuff you are being told online is hurting your chances of success. It did mine for many years. I just never realised until I was lucky enough to get through the other side of struggle, with some dogged determination, some skill and a whole load of luck.

VIP Leadership Academy Teaches You How To Grow Your Network Marketing Business Without Spending A Single Penny On Advertising, Posting Spammy Inauthentic Sales Offers Every Day Or Using The Same Old Tired Techniques Your Upline Teaches You

My name is Danny Clarke.

Alongside my wife, Elizabeth, we have created our dream life. Travelling the world full time, multiple six figure revenue, international speakers, recognised as 2 of the Top 6 Network Marketing coaches in the world in 2018 and most importantly… happy.

But, life wasn’t always this good.

In fact, for most of my adult life I was deeply unhappy, despite having all of the ‘things’ I was supposed to have. A nice car, a nice house, loving family.

Still something was missing. I was listening to other people telling me what to do. I was self employed, but still very much stuck in a job, working for someone else.

I dreamed of being able to live life fully on my terms and in 2012 I finally made the decision to start my own business.


Day 1 and I was ready to QUIT

Looking back, I was so naive. I genuinely thought after watching a few videos on YouTube, reading The Secret and making my first ever vision board I was just months away from making a six figure income.

Instead what came were painful lessons.

I lost friends, I lost money and I very nearly came close to losing my life.

You see, I did everything I was told to do. I was the most coachable person on the planet. Take my first Network Marketing attempt back in 2012. I spent thousands to be a product of the product. I spent thousands meeting people for coffee all over the country. I spent hours every day sending 30 daily messages to strangers.

And at the end of my first year in the industry I was a team of one.

I was coachable but still got zero results

At the same time, I started my own business in the financial services industry selling insurance and shortly after mortgages.

Again, I did everything I was told, such as;

  • ​Making a dream list of the 100 people who would need my help
  • Cold calling places of business in every town, village and city near me
  • Trying to pitch everyone I knew
  • Going to networking events for breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • And getting rejected over and over again…

Now, despite all of that, I could have easily handled the rejection. I didn’t mind people saying no to me, back then I didn’t even mind getting in my car and driving hundreds of miles a week meeting people.

What I hated more than anything else, was that it felt wrong.

I felt like I was aways ‘on’ and every person I met became an opportunity to make money. All of the sales books I read and webinars all taught sales tactics that felt so slimy and icky. 


I felt robotic, fake and a complete fraud.

For 4 years I continued struggling on. I just didn’t know what else to do. I’d spent so much on personal development and business coaching to be told the same things over and over. Just ‘speak to more people’ and ‘do more personal development’.

I’d got to the point where I refused to spend any more money on coaching and social media. I just didn’t trust the experts anymore. They all said the same thing and had one thing in common. None of them actually told me how to do it.

I’d head advice like, ‘just speak to more people’ and I would be left scratching my head asking myself more questions such as; 

  • Who do I speak to?
  • What do I say to them?
  • What happens if they say no?
  • How many times should i speak to them?


It was do or die

I was ready to quit. In 2015 I went back to Network Marketing in an attempt to achieve my dreams. But the same problems happened again. I was promised the moon, but the reality was much different. A few months later, I even wrote in my diary:  “I’ve been at this network marketing thing for nearly a year now. How long is this gonna take to work out? 

It just feels relentless. I keep pushing and pushing trying to do my very best but it just doesn’t work. Why is this so hard! 

I am go grateful for the training events and motivational videos on Youtube to help me keep my faith. If it wasn’t for them I would have given up. I seem so close, yet so far away. I keep seeing success stories, so I know it works but it is like there is some secret that I am not understanding. Or maybe I just don’t have ‘it’ and I am not good enough. I feel so awkward against these polished performers.

My upline is great, but they’re not like me. I have 3 kids and a wife and another business. If I was single, and had all this extra free time, I could do what they’ve done. I want so much for my wife and kids to see me succeed at this. I want to allow my wife to stop doing makeup jobs at the weekends. I know she loves it, but to see her come back so tired and stressed, knowing she is missing out on family time with the kids makes me feel so angry and frustrated. 

Between our kids, our jobs and our network marketing business, we hardly have any time for each other at all. If I could just create a shift and figure this out, everything would change for me. 

On most day’s I doubt myself and whether I’m ever able to make this work. There’s part of me that knows deep, deep down I can figure this out and make it work. I’ll be able to live like the leaders in our company and I’ll be able to help so many. I want to help other people so bad it makes me want to cry.

But I can’t even make it a success for me and my family right now, let alone anyone else.” 

Enough was enough

It was at that very moment I decided to stop listening to the same old tired advice I had heard for years. I wanted to build my business online. I wanted to do so by genuinely helping people and most importantly, I wanted to be me.

I wanted to share my flaws, no longer pretending to be perfect and just have a lot of fun along the way.

 I thought about how I had ever bought anything in my life and recognised a pattern. It didn’t matter what I bought. A new pair of shoes, flat screen TV or a sandwich at lunch. I went through the same six steps every time.

It was like a bolt of lightening had hit me.

I now knew why people kept rejecting me. By following the advice of all of the experts, I was doing almost the complete opposite of what felt ‘normal’ to do.

I was using fake scarcity, creating urgency, adding in power words, following the salesman’s prayer. And I realised something.


I could do this by being normal

Six months later, my wife and I had gone from nothing to being in the top 1% of income earners around the world in Network Marketing. But that wasn’t all. my financial services company generated it’s first 7 figure revenue year and my wife had her first year braking the six figure mark as a makeup artist.

All in the space of six months.

We were busier then ever, but it had all become effortless. In psychology this is referred to as unconscious competence. Which means the individual has enough experience with the skill that he or she can perform it so easily. And you can too because you’ve been doing this instinctively since the day you were born, which makes this such a powerful way to build your business.

If you’ve even been told to trust your gut, this is just like that only better. Because now you have been given the answers to the test meaning you are now always one step ahead.

In 2017 we started over again

Our coaching and training company ‘The VIP Life’ launched in March 2017 as a place to learn how to attract and convert clients using social media. At that time, we had just achieved huge success in Network Marketing and our personal businesses. In fact, we were the first in the world to build fully online for that company, spoke on stage to thousands and became a top 1% income earner.

We cracked the code that hundreds of thousands before us had not and we wanted to test ourselves to produce results for ourselves and others but on an even larger scale.

In just 12 months I was recognised as one of the Top 6 coaches in the world for social media.

After 33 months I have helped over 16,246 people to achieve more freedom in their life and business.

From day 1, our clients loved our refreshing approach. But, we soon realised that giving our clients information on just using social media was not enough. We knew, a business needs more than just social media to be successful. A business needs systems, time management, the right mindset, copywriting, video and editing, graphic design, sales, marketing, email, website, funnels, webinars, messenger bots… the list is endless. And whilst you may not need all of these things, you sure will require a lot of them…

We give you EVERYTHING you will ever need

So we set our intention to create the best resource on the planet. A ‘one stop shop’ as such, for network marketers wanting to build their business online to create genuine time and financial freedom.

But rather than focus on just one thing, like everyone else, we focussed on giving you everything that you need to grow your business. We wanted this to be different. A special place where you can grow with us over 90 days, or even months and years if you’d prefer. Coaching, mentorship and leadership in the truest sense.

Not just a gimmicky 30 day programme that promises you quick and easy results, blames you for failing because it works for some people, sucks you up and spits you out and then forgets about you. Instead, a support system that is there for you during the good days and most importantly, the bad ones.

Trust us when we tell you that The VIP Life Leadership Academy is a training programme that will support you through your journey of life, entrepreneurship and growth in a way that you deep down know that you need right now

Since March 2017 we have helped

Network Marketers (just like you) achieve more time and financial freedom.

How does The Vip Life Leadership Academy Work?

When you enrol to Leadership Academy, you gain immediate access to over 200 hours of training content designed to help your business in every way possible. This allows you to work at your own pace. Look, getting your business up and running requires clarity, vision and the ability to execute consistently on the right strategies.  Without a roadmap or guidance, the process can be overwhelming

The VIP Life’s Leadership Academy can fast-track your growth and save you years of expensive trial and error. We’ve already helped tens of thousands of Network Marketers in 17 countries (and counting) and we’d be honoured to work with you too.

Everything is Online: You Just Need a Mobile Phone or Laptop

The VIP Life Leadership Academy is based entirely online so you can participate from anywhere in the world.

All course materials, including video content, guides, documents and live coaching and support plus additional resources are within our online member zone. You’ll also be able to ask questions, get feedback and connect with fellow VIP academy members and our VIP Experts online.

Based On Our Proven VIP Philosophy

We pride ourselves on giving everything you will ever need to grow your business to 7 figures. And so we have carefully curated a business philosophy that underlines all of the lessons we share.

These principles are the glue which keeps everything together for our VIPs. So whether it is us, or one of our team of experts, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, online or offline, you can be confident that what we teach you works for every scenario.

You see, learning these principles allows you to focus on building your business with a long term vision, rather than jumping form fad to fad hoping to crack the code.

You’ll Get Guidance, Support & Community

If you’re overwhelmed and feel like you’re in over your head with your small business — we can help. Once you join The VIP Life Leadership Academy, you’ll have guidance and support from like-minded business owners in a safe and encouraging environment. 

There are over 200+ hours of training videos you can immediately access, plus a comprehensive library of bonus trainings, advanced trainings, resources and action plans to help you develop the skills to build a sustainable business. 

We Are By Your Side Every Step Of The Way

See, this isn’t a mentorship group which leaves you to figure this all out on your own. Far from it. We are with you every day offering our support and guidance to help you to grow. We provide regular trainings, live coaching and our dedicated VIP Team are on hand to answer your questions and support your journey. Whether that be about an algorithm update, setting up a Facebook group, copywriting, your funnel or a mindset block.

All trainings are recorded, so if you cannot attend live, don’t worry we understand. You have unlimited access to all recordings to watch at your leisure.

VIP Leadership Academy: Starts Monday January 13th


We truly believe that you can achieve anything you want by implementing The VIP Life Leadership Academy systems and strategies. The great thing is, you get to pick and choose what help and support you need. With our guidance and mentorship, we will help you to choose the right path to achieve your goals in just 90 days with the Leadership Academy.




In 2019 we were elected as a supplier member to the Direct Selling Association (DSA). The only Network Marketing trainers in the world to have this honour.

Studies show it takes 21 days to create a habit and 12 weeks to change your life. So, over 90 days work with us and our team of experts and let us help you to grow your business and become a next level leader. 


FLOW Goals


Every week we help you to set weekly goals we call FLOW.

Studies show that our VIP academy members complete 86% of their goals when using FLOW and checking in with our accountability coach once a week. To give you some perspective, on average only 10% of goals are completed when using just pen and paper.

Not only that, we reward you for implementing FLOW on a weekly basis. Prizes include T-Shirts, planners, coaching calls, free membership, spa breaks and much more… When we say that we are invested in you, we mean it.

Coaching sessions


Every month we host a 2 hour live coaching session.

Every session is online and available to watch live in the community support group.

But if you do miss it, no problem, all trainings are uploaded immediately in to the Member Zone for you to watch with ease.

Oh, and they’re so fun that they may end up being the highlight of your month!

Turbo Tuesdays


Every Tuesday, book your 15 minute turbo coaching call with Dan & Liz.

These are private coaching sessions where you can share your biggest challenges and being given a bespoke action plan to move forward in your business.

No matter what the challenge; social media, marketing, funnels, copywriting. We’ve got an answer or an expert we can send you to.

Having now completed over 3,000 of these Dan & Liz will help you get to the point and fast!

Review Thursday


Every Thursday, we are joined by one of the VIP Experts to assist the growth of your online business.

Expert reviews range from social media reviews to funnel builds, copywriting to mindset sessions.

Our VIP Experts are leading figures globally in their industries and are here to fully support and guide your business and growth.

Even better, these reviews are all at no extra cost to you as a VIP Member!

Social Media Masterclass


Get immediate access to our world class social media masterclass which dive deep in to the latest changes to the main social media platforms.

See this training as your kick up the a*se to get clear and focussed on your social media systems for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. We update these every year to ensure you keep ahead of everyone else.

Plus, receive bonus guest trainings from leading industry figures!

Business In A Box


Ever wanted to build a funnel? What about sales page? Automated email sequence? Ebooks and webinars, messenger bot or even your own lifestyle website?

Here’s the good news, we’ve removed the tech headache and pre-made all of these for you. Simply you just create your own domain name, personalise to fit your brand and start using within minutes.

Your moments away from building your very own marketing ecosystem.

& There’s More …

Exclusive Resource Member Zone

…with done for you templates, how-to videos, swipe files and workbooks.

We’re always updating the Member Zone with everything you need to make your business wildly successful. Don’t see what you need? Just request it!

  • VIP Award …work hard and you could win a HUGE business package worth £1,850 for free – every month!
  • Each month we’ll award one lucky member with a VIP Award. You’ll win two 1:1 30 minute Coaching Sessions, a social media review, copy of our VIP Planner, promotion to our audience of over 200K and an exclusive VIP Life Gift Bag.
  • 6 & 7 Figure Experts … hang out with our inner circle and get the inside scoop first hand.
  • Through us, you get access to some of the most talented men and women on the planet. These are experts who we’ve hired, worked with and some are friends we’ve made along the way. The one thing they have in common, they are all crushing their niche.



I had the pleasure of collaborating with Dan & Liz (Co-Founders of The VIP Life) at a huge online event recently and was completely blown away by their knowledge and systems for the Network Marketing industry in particular all aspects of social media. Not only are they incredibly knowledgable but their coaching strategies are simple, easy to use, and work!

Frazer Brookes

The Ninja Networker

Frazer Brookes

The Ninja Networker


Let’s make it crystal clear what is included:


  • 90 Day Accountability Support Group (£997)
  • Social Media Mastermind (£4,656)
  • Road To Freedom Training Programme (£997)
  • Templates & Swipe Files (£997)
  • Weekly Accountability (£1997)
  • Live Coaching & Training (£2997)
  • Business In A Box (£997)
  • Live Tech Training (£997)
  • Bonus Trainings (£2882)
  • Ambassador Programme

To enrol to The VIP Life Leadership Academy choose one of the two payment options below by clicking on the button.

Option 1 gives you access to everything you need for 90 days.

Option 2 gives you unlimited access to everything you need for life, plus 5 additional bonuses worth £2882 (shown below)


Enrol AS A LIFETIME LEADERSHIP ACAdemy member for £997 Now and Get These 5 Additional BONUs Training Programs and Masterclasses, FREE!




Copywriting Course £497

Get The Secrets of World Class Copywriting From Our Resident Copy Expert.  Learn To Write Killer Copy And Sell Your Services And Products With Ease. Ideal For Beginners And Experts.

Personal Branding Academy £197

To Become The VIP You Have Always Wanted To Be Requires Knowing Exactly Who, What And How You Want To Be. This 10 Module Course Walks You Through Step By Step To Create Your Dream Branding And Much Much More.

Time Management for Entrepreneurs £97

Are You Ready to get Sh*t Done? Great! This 5 Part Course Is Designed For You. With Access To Our Bespoke Time Management Systems, Including F.L.O.W And The Golden Hour, Get Ready To Do More In Less Time.

Strategy coaching Call with Founder Danny Clarke £497

With Over 10 Years Experience As An Entrepreneur, Business Owner and Networker Building Online Businesses,This Call Will Strap a Rocket To Your Business And Ideas To Take Your Business To The Next Level.

Marketing, Branding and Makeup £497

This 18 Part Course Is Designed For The Creative Entrepreneur. With Elizabeth Clarke’s Signature Training Style, You Will Discover How To Build Your Brand And Market Your Business With Style And Elegance.


BEFORE YOU ENROL – This isn’t for everyone

As amazing as this 90 Day Leadership Academy is, something needs to be said –

If you need to justify spending £297 on the best training out there for Network Marketers on the planet, plus all of the tools you need to create incredible success for yourself, then this probably isn’t for you.

If you have to choose between putting food on the table and joining this Leadership Academy, then this probably isn’t for you.

If you tend to blame others for your failures and you are not prepared to take ownership of your sh*t and do the hard, boring, un-sexy work which we will teach you and that’s needed to grow a real online business, then this probably isn’t for you.

But, if you are ready to take 100% responsibility…

Together, over 90 days we can take your business to the next level. I’m ready, the only question is… are you?

Join the vip


To enrol, simply click one of the order buttons on this page

Here’s Proof That The VIP Life LEADERSHIP ACADEMY Works











Give Us a Try 




This is the perfect LEADERSHIP TRAINING for you to ENROL with if you’d like to:

  • Creating an online global business
  • Build an ethical business based on real, authentic relationship building
  • Save a bunch of money front loading product orders taught in traditional direct sales
  • Set up an automated marketing system so your business runs like a well-oiled machine
  • Receive incredible value for money and save money using our tools and systems

Right Now, You’re at a Crossroads…

One way leads to doing exactly what you’re doing now – keeping on trying stuff, hoping it sticks. Getting a few sales one month, then tumbleweed the next. Feeling like to get even a small amount of cash in you’re having to sell your soul and get way too sales-y.

The other way leads to Danny & Elizabeth Clarke’s Leadership Academy, where we make the whole process as easy and stress-free as possible …

Where there’s a supportive community waiting for you, as well as a host of experts.

We’ve been in your shoes, known the struggles, but found out how to get round them, and build a massively profitable business without any sneaky tricks or feeling like we’re selling out.

It’s not our job to tell you what to do, but I guarantee that if you pick one of the above options, you will never regret it.

Thanks for reading,

Dan & Liz

Your Questions Answered

Q - How quickly will I see results?

A – Speed of results of course vary depending on what your goals are. You will see significant changes to your engagement and social media influence within days by implementing our strategies. After 90 days, if you have done the work, you will see the results.

Q - How much time will I need to invest?

A – Like anything, the more you put in to this, the more you will get for it. Every month 92% of our members remain with The VIP Life. People don’t leave due to the high quality training, support and community of the group. What we teach works, as long as you do.

Q - How do I cancel my membership to The VIP Life?

A – This is a one off payment so there are no cancellation options required. If you are unhappy within the first 30 days, we do offer a full money back guarantee.

Q - I am new to business, will this help me?

A – Absolutely, this caters to all levels, from newbies to veterans. Our clients include people who have just started their business journey all the way up to 7 figure income earners and everything in between.

Q - What about if I refer my friends or team to The VIP Life?

A – As a VIP Life academy member, we do offer an affiliate programme. This is available to all members if they wish to opt in. 

Q - My upline told me that building your MLM business online cannot be duplicated.

A – Our systems have helped support many network marketers to grow a sustainable ongoing income online. Whilst we can not guarantee results, our methods have been proven to work from people new to industry up to multiple 6 figure income earners.