Feeling overwhelmed as balls?

Don’t worry, we’ve got your back.

Below are answers to our most commonly asked questions. These are short mini videos (5-10 minutes long) designed to give you the exact answer you need.

I'm overwhelmed as balls with all the content in The VIP Life - where do I start?

Catch Danny’s Facebook Live >>> here

I'm getting great engagement, following up, speaking to people but struggling to get reasons why someone would do network marketing - everyone seems too happy

Watch Danny’s Facebook Live >>> here

How do I give value and offer my product as a solution on social media?

Check out Danny’s Facebook Live >>> here

Should you always add a call to action?

Catch Danny’s Facebook Live >>> here

How do you talk about your business in a non spammy way on your personal page?

See Danny’s Facebook Live >>> here

After you've engaged with a person, when do you mention your business and how?

Catch Danny’s Facebook Live >>> here